On November 14, 2024, the Guidance and Employment Office of the Armenian Catholic Mesrobian High School organized an Open Doors event to which attended 19 universities, one of which is located in Cyprus, offering useful information about their faculties and specializations as well as about the services and scholarships they offer.
Our secondary students (Grades 10, 11, and 12) got acquainted with the representatives of these universities and had informative and beneficial interactions with them, which helped them to have a clearer picture of how they could pursue their higher education and lay their future career path on solid bases.
Mesrobian High School thanks all the universities that participated in this important educational event and wishes them continuous success, assuring them that we’ll continue to work hand in hand for our common aim which is the success of our students by providing them with the best in the field of education in spite of the many difficulties we’re all facing nowadays.
We always stay committed to our educational mission, keeping in mind the benefit of our students.