Our kindergarten's mission is to provide academic excellence to all students, while the nursery provides child care services to children between the ages of two and three. For this purpose, the teaching curriculum and the informative programs are prepared to provide an experience that stimulates learning in a supportive environment that will satisfy the needs of the children and give individual attention to each of them.
The preschool program is prepared to help the children acquire a variety of fundamental knowledge skills and a positive attitude towards learning.
Children will also begin to develop their abilities and talents in different domains.
The Teachers, the kindergarteners, the community members and the families work together to provide a constructive and coherent learning experience that increases the child's confidence and encourages him/her to find that learning is both important and wonderful.
The preschool program builds a firm intellectual, physical, and social base, vital for the child's future.
The religious program that starts in kindergarten uses resources that support the child in all aspects of life.
Teaching Program
In the Small Section (PS), the child learns to communicate in Armenian and in French through the use of visual media. In addition, Arabic is taught.
The curriculum includes the following classes: Christian education, pre-mathematics, rhythm, socialization, handicrafts, and school excursions.
In the Middle section (MS), children are comfortable because they are accustomed to the methodology applied in the small section. Children begin to learn the alphabet. They also start to work more independently. They also participate in group work. In addition, the number of Arabic courses has increased.
In the large Section (GS), children learn to read and write in three languages (Armenian, French, and Arabic). Their communication skills are improved. Children also master the simple numbers and learn how to add. Homework and tests are done regularly to ensure continuous improvement.
Primary School-Cycle One
The primary school is committed to placing each child in the best position to succeed socially, emotionally and academically. This is accomplished by providing a humane and Christian environment that actively involves parents and the community who support the teachers and concentrate on the students' success. In such a friendly environment, students become competent and independent learners for life. They will grow up to become responsible citizens with positive social skills, good self-esteem, and awareness of their roles in the community.
Teaching Program
The various subjects included in the curriculum are made specifically to nourish the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development of each child. Besides learning through books, children learn to express their ideas and thoughts by using visual media and by participating in all kinds of group activities, school excursions, and exhibitions.
EB1 class (Grade 1)
Through activities, group work, and projects, children improve their reading, writing and oral communication skills in three main languages (Arabic, Armenian and French). It is in the first year that the child starts to attend computer and science courses for the first time. He/she also follows the courses of civic instruction, music, mathematics, and Christian Education.
EB2 class (Grade 2)
Because of the same applied methodology and because the subjects taught are the same as those of the EB1 class, the children prepare to make a very gradual transition from the class of EB1 to the class of EB2. They learn to work independently and share ideas two by two and in group work. All children participate in school excursions, exhibitions, and activities that push children to learn.
EB3 class (Grade 3)
The EB3 class is the year where children celebrate their first Holy Communion. Celebrations and various other activities prepare them for this event. Academically, a student of this class must master all the basic concepts in mathematics, learn to think critically in science and acquire the basic skills in three languages. Like their classmates from the EB1 and EB2 classes, children participate in activities, exhibitions, games, concerts, and school excursions. These activities prepare the child to pass to the classes of EB4, EB5, and EB6.
Primary School-Cycle 2
The main objectives of this cycle are:
1. To provide each student with spiritual and social values in order to promote his/her physical and psychological development, driving each student to become a responsible citizen.
2. Familiarize each student with a sophisticated technology of information and instruction, to cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Teaching Program
The students in this cycle follow the school curriculum established by the Ministry of National Education. The teaching method is an ongoing process involving students in order to prepare them to take creative initiatives. Moreover, to make the learning process effective, various teaching methods are applied, like classwork in pairs, group work, peer coaching, and the use of visual media.
The curriculum for this cycle includes Armenian, Arabic, French, English, mathematics, and science, as well as the social sciences that include history, geography, and civic education. In addition, Christian education helps the child in a spiritual and emotional growth. Teachers work together in order to organize happy events like Christmas and Easter concerts, skits, etc.
Extracurricular activities
Our students are expected to participate in extracurricular activities such as contests, projects, and exhibitions, as students in this cycle acquire the ability to do research, write coherent paragraphs and present projects that include almost all subjects. Of course, this is done gradually.
At the end of this cycle, students become more mature, more self-confidence, ready to go to college.
Middle School
In line with the general objectives of the Collège Mesrobian, the college aims to develop the critical thinking of the students and to facilitate the gradual transition from childhood to adolescence through a balanced school curriculum. At the end of the college years, students are ready to take their first official exam and start thinking about their university studies and future career options.
Teaching Program
The college adopts the curriculum established by the Ministry of National Education, which employs various teaching methods and evaluation techniques that promote learning. The subjects taught are Armenian, Arabic, Christian Education, Informatics, English, French, Mathematics, Physical Education; Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics); Social Sciences (History, Geography, and Civic Education).
In addition to the curriculum, the college offers a variety of extracurricular activities that make up an integral part of the overall curriculum and are directly linked to our educational goals. These activities include exhibitions, contests, social activities, sports, school excursions, spiritual retreats, orientation sessions, etc.
The Secondary Cycle
The main objective of the secondary cycle is to help all students become mature young adults in all aspects of their lives: spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and academic. The college tries to ensure the success of the students in the official exams and entrance exams at the university, through a qualified faculty and a very dynamic program.
ES1 class (Grade 10)
Consistent with the national curriculum, the teaching profession uses cooperative and interactive learning methods. Students apply their knowledge through a scientific, empiric, deductive processes such as lab experience sessions and presentations. Students learn about the sciences and the humanities and are guided to choose the path that suits them the most. The choice between the sciences and the humanities depends on the talents, potentials, and learning abilities of the students, as well as the requirements of the higher education field that they want to pursue.
ES2 class (Grade 11)
Students in this class come to a deeper understanding of knowledge, gained through active participation in the high school learning process. Interactive lessons are supported by experimental observation or detailed research. Therefore, students use a deeper level of learning through analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Critical thinking is given priority and various evaluation techniques are used to help all students improve their learning abilities. In addition, students are prepared, through self-evaluation and orientation sessions, to choose the most suitable classes for their last year.
ES3 Terminal class (Grade 12)
This is the year where students finish their studies at the college. Students try to make a name for themselves at school through direct participation in decisions related to the daily life at Mesrobian High School. Academically, they are implored to prepare to face two important challenges: first, to continue their studies at the college, and secondly to pass the official exam. The baccalaureate holders of the Mesrobian High School are admitted to the universities known in Lebanon and abroad. At the same time, our students' success rate at the official exam has always been remarkable.
Teaching Program
The students in this class follow a school curriculum set up by the Ministry of National Education and prepare to take the exams at the university. The following materials are taught: Armenian, Arabic, Christian Education, Informatics, English, French, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physical Education; Sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics); Social Sciences (history, geography, civic education).
In addition, the college offers a variety of extracurricular activities that make up an integral part of the global curriculum and are directly linked to educational goals. They include exhibitions, contests, social activities, sports, school excursions, spiritual retreats, community service, career counseling, and orientation sessions.